15 Celebrity Instagrams You’ve Got To See To Believe

SnookiPhoto credit: instagram by NICOLE
There is something about Instagram and reality show celebrities pairing up that makes so much sense. Instagram is an excellent platform to unite celebrities with their online fan-bases and reality stars just love to stay in the spotlight. Because of the popularity of the platform there has been some amazing content produced by our favorite celebs. Let’s take a look at the 15 best Instagram shots by our most loved reality stars!

1. Snooki shows off slim figure

When Snooki was the star of ‘Jersey Shore’ she was known for her goofy antics, round little body, and penchant for getting into absurd trouble. Since finishing the show, Snooki has become a mother, a fiance, and a fitness freak. This photo shows just how far the former party girl has come, as she has completely re-invented her figure.

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